Sample Emcee Script

Sample Emcee Script

Emcee Sample Script. Wedding reception program 1471 119 12361. Wedding master of ceremonies 4. Emcee sample script 3. Sample emcee script 75 8 9375. Wedding reception timeline 65. Master of ceremonies duties 23. Wedding mc 1015 616 1648. Master ceremonies guide 41 5 8200. Master of ceremonies.

Template Script for Emcees. 1. CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY-CAVITE CITY CAMPUS EDUC99c-SEMINAR III class EDUC99c Seminar Preparation Sheet for Masters of Ceremonies. 1st March, 2014 Int. Emcees Pre-seminar proper (Optional) Brian/Maneca: Good morning/afternoon everyone. Brian: Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to greet everyone a lovely Saturday afternoon.

Maneca: Why don’t we make this afternoon not just wonderful but also a day full of learning and new experiences? Maneca: Yeah, you know, we’ve anticipated long enough for this day to come, Maneca: But anticipation comes with painstaking efforts, sleepless nights and wishful thoughts now come into reality. So what’re we waiting for? Brian: The long wait is so over. On behalf of EDUC99c class, we welcome you to our seminar entitled: (In chorus) Brian and Maneca: (Insert seminar title) Brian: Now may we request every one of you to rise for our national anthem, to be led and conducted by Ms. Giselle Quindong. Post-national anthem Maneca: Please remain standing.

Let us all feel the presence of our Almighty God as we offer Him a song of praise. Post-doxology Brian: Please take your seats. Again we would like to welcome you to our seminar concerning (insert seminar title) (Optional) Maneca: Now as your master of ceremonies, we would first like to introduce ourselves to you. I am (Insert name, and some details if necessary). Brian: And I am (Insert name, and some details if necessary).

Brian: You know, it’s so nice to see every one of them in such a good mood today. And let us now forget the fact that you look stunning today, Ms. Maneca: (Insert adlibs). Now what would make their moods even better is to give them words to feed their souls and get themselves energized for our seminar session for today. Brian: So let us call on Mr. Marvin Vasquez for our opening remarks. Post-opening remarks Maneca: Thank you Mr.

Brian: Now we are all geared up for our seminar today. But we would first like to recognize and acknowledge our guest speaker for today, Ms. Carmella Salonga. We are overjoyed to have you here as our guest speaker.

Maneca: Now since all of us wants to know more about our beautiful guest speaker, let us hear something about her, coming from Ms. Post-introduction of speaker Maneca: Thank you Ms. Brian: For our seminar proper, may we call on our guest speaker for today, and let us all give her a round of applause. Post-seminar proper Maneca: Thank you Ms. Carmella Salonga. Brian: We’ve learned so much from you this day.

Maneca: For our snacks,. Brian: And some refreshments, may we call on our Food Committee to do the honor. Post-snacks Maneca: Why don’t we give ourselves a big hand for having this day. Brian: We couldn’t have done this successfully without our participants and our speaker who spared their time attending this seminar. Maneca: So let us move on to our awarding of certificates. (Optional) Brian: Let us hear what’s inside this certificate, Ms. Maneca, please do the honors.

Maneca: (Insert certificate content) Brian: Let us now do the distribution starting from (Insert names) Post awarding of certificates Maneca: Thank you every one sharing this moment with us. Brian: And for our closing remarks, let us hear it from Mr.

Sample Emcee Script Annual Dinner

Don Kristopher Noble. Big hands for him. Post-closing remarks. Brian: Thank you for such good words coming from you Mr. Maneca: Now let us all rise again for our CvSU hymn, to be led and conducted by Ms.

Meryl Macanoquit. Brian: We do all have a wonderful day today. Maneca: Yes, we would like to thank all of you for being here. Again thank you for coming to our seminar entitled: (Chorus) Brian/Maneca: (Insert seminar title) Ext.

Sample Emcee Script